gAvilar B.V. embraces the principles of Corporate Social Responsibility and wants to create value on economic (Profit), environmental (Planet) and social (People) areas. We not only respect the law and regulations, but go further and conform ourselves also to meet the requirements of national and international standards such as ISO 9001, ISO 14001, VCA, and SCIOS. In our CSR policy, we comply with the
7 CSR principles and the 6 core themes.
In december 2015 we obtained the CO2 performance- ladder certificate level 3. The CO2 performanceladder is an instrument to encourage companies to reduce their CO2 emissions as much as possible. This is reflected here at gAvilar by taking measurements, primary focussing on reducing our energy consumption from scope 1 (gas) and scope 2 (electricity).
Since July 2016 we are in possession of the CSR Register certificate (formerly the FIRA platform). The MVO Register is a digital register where companies (suppliers) can make their CSR performance visible to existing and new customers. This can prevent companies from having to fill in endless CSR questionnaires every time. Click on the CSR Register logo for our CSR scorecard or take a look at our first CSR annual report which can be downloaded below.